Two new clinics have been opened in Cheshire and Cheadle, offering the revolutionary Emsella Treatment. This week, Michelle Avery explains the story behind the new clinics:
“MUUUUUM” are usually the first words I hear when I wake in the morning! I know I am truly blessed to have my 4 children and it’s an honour not afforded to everyone. In the past however, my bladder and pelvic floors thought otherwise and showed me what a physical impact bringing those 4 beauties into the world has had! Some would say a small price to pay…but would they? Most women I know won’t openly talk about their “leaks”. It’s a taboo subject! Something that so many of us deal with each and every day yet no-one peeps a word about it…until someone else brings it up!! “oh yeah! I’ve not been able to get on a trampoline with the kids for years” as they laugh it off! No mum that I have spoken to that suffers from “leaks” believes that they are incontinent. It is not a word that they associate with and maybe this is why they haven’t openly searched for a solution other than the good old pelvic floor exercises that we are urged to do after child birth.
It isn’t just mums that suffer from Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Sports women both professional and amateur are affected by this issue each and every day. Studies show that 25-28% of young athletes that have never been pregnant report SUI. These figures are higher where the activities they take part in increase the intrapelvic pressure, like gymnastics and trampolining where 60-80% of athletes report SUI. The more pressure that is put on the intra pelvic area the more the SUI is likely to take place. Female elite athletes are three times more likely to suffer with SUI than a non-athletic female. They are also likely to have a family history of Urinary Infections significantly associated with SUI.
As a qualified and practicing nurse for 15 years, I have witnessed first-hand incontinence on a daily basis. It is a condition that comes to many elderly ladies. Little did I know that I would be dealing with it in my late 30’s and early 40’s. Dealing with this earlier in life would stop me suffering worsened problems in later life and make it highly unlikely I will suffer from bladder prolapse in the future.
There is an new treatment option available now that fills the gap between pelvic floor exercises and surgery- often the usual step when exercises haven't fully resolved the problem. The BTL Emsella treatment is revolutionary and has been changing ladies lives in the USA and Australia for a couple of years. There are currently 11 clinics with these chairs throughout the UK and due to my own personal experiences, as a family we decided to invest in bringing this to the UK to help many more ladies like me…and those not like me! My running days are over!!
3 hours over 6 x 28-minute sessions, will result in a 95% success rate of curing Stress Urinary Incontinence.
The three clinical trials have shown a 95% success rate in improving quality of life but what does this mean in real terms. I can speak from our experience from the reports given by our clients on how this has impacted their quality of life.
Reports from our clients are varied in nature from depriving themselves of fluids before a run, having to squat in a well-hidden bush along the route, taking a spare pair of pants everywhere, making bit a mission to find a pad that doesn’t stand out under their leggings and even influences the choice of colours they wear- black is the ideal colour as its harder to see the wet patch! And the queue for the ladies before a race says it all! In fact, have you ever wondered why wherever you go, at any time the queue for the ladies is always massive and the gents is non-existent?

Julianne, from Cheshire came to us after taking part in a local running event , she had been experiencing leaks for years since her last child was born but just thought that was her lot in life however when she decided to start running she found her problems getting worse, she would have to run home mid jog to change clothes after only a short time out ( and more importantly away from the kids!) and then psych herself up to get out there again. At the first event she was doing competitively she deliberately didn’t drink much beforehand as she was scared of wetting herself in front of everyone and ended up feeling dehydrated and in any case still had an accident 20 minutes into the race.
More than anything she didn’t want to give up running and why should she? Julianne came for 6 treatment sessions lasting 28 minutes each. After the third session she braved the jog pants and went for a run and was over the moon to find she made it round dry and in the same pants she started in. She also reported that she was getting a full nights sleep for the first time in years which meant she had more energy. After 6 sessions she is pad free, and doesn’t feel the need to go to the toilet constantly, makes it through he run with no leaks and reports having more confidence !
“This treatment has literally change my life, I feel liberated not having to plan ahead everywhere I go. I look forward to running now without that niggling dread in the back of my mind that I’m going to have an accident“ Julianne, 36, Cheshire.
I am one of the smug ones now able to laugh, sneeze, cough and even trampoline without a drop of leakage. What I love about this chair is that it is so discreet. It is non-invasive. Ladies can be treated without removing one item of clothing, which for ladies dealing with SUI is a huge consideration.
We call it the Happy Chair! Our clinics which are in Congleton, Cheshire and Cheadle near Manchester are small, comfortable, relaxed and private and we are a team of 4, Michelle and Sarah – both past “leakers” will greet you in Congleton and Anneliese and Frankie in Cheadle.
You would be more than welcome to come and see us!
Alternatively have a google and find one in your area if you live further afield.
Visit the Estrada Clinics
Cheshire Clinic: Annex, Chapel House,
Chapel Street Congleton, Cheshire
CW12 4AB - Ran by Michelle and Sarah
Phone Number: 0800 772 3952
Cheadle Clinic: Abney Hall, Cheadle, SK8 2PD- Ran by Anneliese and Frankie
Phone Number: 0800 772 3952
Visit the Estrada Clinic Website for more information.

Originally posted 2019-05-28 08:57:57.
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