When the skin comes in contact with urine and faeces frequently, this can cause infections such as incontinence associated dermatitis. This can be distressing and even cause pain.
The most significant damage occurs when urine and faeces are mixed on the skin. When this occurs, there is an increase in the skin PH in the perineal area with an immediate chemical reaction. Infections such as incontinence associated dermatitis can erode the barrier, causing severe and uncomfortable symptoms. People who develop incontinence associated dermatitis are more likely to develop pressure ulcers, or bed sores. Urine and faeces can damage the skin, causing redness, irritation and soreness. However, there are measures you can take to prevent the skin from becoming irritated with incontinence.
Barrier creams are a vital product to keep your skin free from pain and irritation. The creams are designed to provide an extra protective layer on the skin, preventing the development of infection.
What Ingredients Do Barrier Creams Contain?
Most barrier creams contain zinc oxide, glycerine, lanolin and panthenol. The ingredients sooth, calm and protect the skin. You can find barrier creams that are paraben and perfume free. If you are particularly at risk of skin breakdown from severe pressure ulcers, it is recommended to seek the advice of a nurse specialist before buying a barrier cream.

How to Use Barrier Creams
Do not use a large amount of barrier cream. Instead, use a small amount and massage it in gently.
Taking Care of the Skin with Incontinence
If you are receiving radiation therapy, ensure you ask your health care provider if it is okay to use any lotions or creams. In order to be pro-active and prevent issues, ensure sure you clean and dry the area right away after urinating or having a bowel movement. If you can, use a soft, disposable non-woven cloth.
Do Not:
- Use soap and water when cleansing following incontinence episodes. Soap can rub and dry the skin, leading to inflammation
- Rub or scrub the skin. This can cause further irritation
- Use more than one incontinence pad at one time
Buy iD Care Zinc Oxide Ointment
Enriched in glycerine and panthenol
Prevents and calms irritations
Contains zinc oxide, to form a protective barrier
Using the product:
Apply in a fine layer, massaging gently, just before you replace the protection (nappy, pad etc)
Answer our Forum Question:
"What Wash Creams Does Everyone Use?"
What Other Products Do You Need to Consider?
Cleansing Cream or Foam
You can also use soap-free skin cleansers that do not cause dryness or irritation. A skin cleanser with a Ph range like normal skin, pH 5.5, is preferred over soap and water.
Moisturising Creams
Moisturising creams help keep prevent the skin from becoming too dry or dehydrated.
Body Wash
You can use body wash in the shower daily for deodorising and good hygiene. These products can serve as an alternative to soap and any product which can irritate the skin. A lot of body wash products are multi-functional, serving as a shampoo, body wash and foam wash.
Incontinence Wipes
You can choose between incontinence wet wipes and dry wipes. Dry wipes can be used alongside a cleansing product, whereas a wet wipe can be used on its own. Wet wipes are an alternative to buying creams or traditional cleansing, saving you time and money. These wipes feature a moisturising composition that deodorises skin as well as fighting bacteria. Dry wipes, on the other hand, are often preferred for their lack of chemicals. These wipes provide comfort with addition to warm water. We recommend using them alongside creams and foams for the best results.
Shop the Conti Dry Wipe Range
£1.19 to £5.28
Are you Taking Care of Someone with Incontinence?
When caring for someone with incontinence, ensure you keep the skin clean and dry. Do not use solutions with alcohol or disinfectant directly onto the person’s skin. Wash at least twice daily, preferably with a soap-free cleanser or a soap alternative. If they are immobile or have very low mobility, bed bath wipes are a good alternative to washing.
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Originally posted 2019-10-31 16:30:49.
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